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Custom ROM Hyperion 8 Build 2 Samsung Galaxy Y

Posted by Ampas Kopi on Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Prima Share- Sekarang share lagi nih tentang CusROM  Samsung Galaxy Y. Kalau dulu gw pernah share JellyBlast yang tampilanya mirip ICS/Jellybean dengan User Interfance (UI) Holo-nya, sekarang ada yang lebih keren lagi* langsung di cek aja ya... ( cara instal dan screenshot liat di bawah ya :)...

*keren menurut gw

Basic - all custom roms must have
  1. De-Odexed
  2. Zipaligned
  3. Recompressed APKS
  4. Optimized APK Images
  5. Rooted
  6. BusyBox and BusyBox run-parts support
  7. Apps2SD enabled
Common - though not working in other roms
  1. 15 Toggle Notification Drawer
  2. 6 Lockscreens from Gingerbread AOSP/CM with custom app starter and gesture unlock
  3. Status bar Tweaks + TEAM battery bar
  4. 4-way Reboot Options
  5. Expanded Power Menu (because themers and mods crash systemUI most of the time, we need other ways of rebooting)
Unique - not all custom roms have
  1. No SMS Bug
  2. No false Android version
  3. No useless features
  4. Least branding (Like creed parts or cod parts or whatever. We don't like that. It's your phone, not ours)
  1. EXT4 File System Support
  2. CIFS
  3. Swap Support
  4. BaCeM Tweak
  5. UnderVolt Support
  6. Firewall Support (DroidWall Open-Source Project)
  7. Ad-blocking host file
Plus - only Hyperion
  1. Supercharged Hyperion Core v2 with Adrenaline Engine v4.4
  2. Transparent JellyBean user interface
  3. Ear-gasmic sound quality
  4. Integrated Autostart manager, Firewall and Network Unlocker
  5. Modular system structure
  6. System Replacer
  1. Force GPU Rendering - Force use of GPU for 2D rendering
  2. Disable HW overlays - Always use GPU for screen compositing
  3. Allow purging of assets - Purging of bitmap memory assets allows freeing of more RAM when needed (you can nowget as low as 85-90mb used RAM)
  4. 32bit transparency - Better graphics performance and full transparency support
These features may work or do nothing. Most of them are pre-activated and some are integrated since Hyperion 7 GM

Hyperion 8 User Guide

This would be your one-stop reference for Hyperion 8. This is actually a crap for others but for beginners, this would help you a lot. 

For now, let me put some optimized settings for this rom
GREEN = Light usage
For very very light usage. You can get as much as 3-4 days of battery life in a single charge

ORANGE = Mid range usage
For average usage. You can get as much as 1-2 days of battery life in a single charge

RED = Heavy usage
For heavy usage. You can get a day of battery life in a single charge
Clock Frequency:
MIN: 156 MHz
MAX: 624 MHz
GOV: smartassv2(recommended) or powersave
SIO: noop

Clock Frequency:
MIN: 156 MHz
MAX: 832 MHz
GOV: smartassv2(recommended), ondemand or bcm21553 (samsung default)
SIO: noop

Clock Frequency:
MIN: 312 MHz
MAX: 832 MHz
GOV: smoothass, lionheart, or performance
SIO: noop

Allow purging of asserts = ENABLE to allow freeing of more RAM


Hyperion 8 Pre GM  Build 2.0

Cara Install

1.*Saran gw di flash aja dulu ROMnya biar lebih freshhhh 
2.matikan HH lalu masuk ke CWM Recovery (yg gak punya download disini Uploaded Via Mediafire terus taro di SDCard jangan di dalam folder ya! diluar aja)
3.Pilih "mount & storage" terus Unmount/system, Unmount/data, dan Unmount/SDCard
4.Pilih "Advance" lalu "wipe dalvik chace" dan "Wipe battery stats"
5.Pilih "wipe data/factory reset"
6.Pilih "wipe chace partition"
7.Terakhir pilih "install zip from SD card" dan pilih lagi "choose zip from SDcard" dan pilih "HYPERION-8.PRE-GM.BUILD.02.zip"
8.tunggu sampai proses selesai dan reboot HHnya
9.boot pertama agak lama sekitar 5-10 menit *jangan di apa-apain lagi HHnya pas reboot!!
10. kalau berhasil HH akan masuk ke Homescreen dengan selamat
kalau gagal coba lagi tutor di atas dengan benar



Local HipHopers yeahhh..


Buat yang nanya link XDA-Dev ROM ini, silakan langsung ke sini (^-^)
yang CWM Recoverynya error / enggak work silakan ke sini

Hasil Benchmark

37 komentar:

Rival Edogawa said...

tutorial-nya bagus..tapi ane belum berani ngubah custom rom..

Anonymous said...

Ada bahasa indonesia'y ngga gan?? :)

Primamulia Teguh said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Gan cara instal hyperion bahasa ind gimana?

Unknown said...

Gan, pas ane instal kok gagal terus ye. Apa mungkin dxle 1 gak bisa gan

Primamulia Teguh said...

lah? ane malah DKK1

Primamulia Teguh said...

ke sini mas anonim ==>> http://primacheat311.blogspot.com/2013/04/update-hyperion-8-build-21-unofficial.html

Primamulia Teguh said...


Anonymous said...

udah coba dua kali gagal terus nih bro?

Anonymous said...

thanks gan tutornya...

Herbanu said...

gan bisa pake amarullz ga ?

Primamulia Teguh said...

wah kalo amarulz ane belum coba mas coz sd card ane masih class 2 :(

mank_bhankshuath said...

koq gag bisa bro..
tampilannya malah kembali kaya pabrikannya..

Anonymous said...

sukses,, thanks gan

Tanpa Nama said...

harus pake stock rom apa ni ?? DXLE1 jalan gak ??
kontak juga lewat gmail : mohammadrobih@gmail.com

Vian Rhy said...

paket datanya gak bisa bro ????

Vian Rhy said...

paket datanya gak bisa bro !!

Anonymous said...

Ini udh include kernel blm gan?

Primamulia Teguh said...

masih kernel savie gan

Pandoe_46™ said...

yg mount cache di unmount ga ?
terus kalo DXLA1 bisa ga ?

Primamulia Teguh said...

yg moung cache di mount dulu :)
kalo DXLA1 ane ga tau tuh
dicoba aja dulu :)

Anonymous said...

good hasilnya gan. biar enteng gimana ya sistemnya gan?

Primamulia Teguh said...

atur settingan CPUnya kayak diatas mas :)
terus biar memori internalnya ga penuh, coba pake amarulz

thx udah berkunjung :)

Primamulia Teguh said...

sama-sama ...

thx udah berkunjung

Primamulia Teguh said...

tampilan pabrikan kayak gimana ya??
seperti stockROM kah??

Primamulia Teguh said...


Unknown said...

gan, ane kan pake cusrom creed.. nah, apakah ada cara khusus untuk ganti ke cusrom hyperion ini?? reply asap gan

Primamulia Teguh said...

wahh kalo dari custom ROM creed ane belum pernah coba tuh gan
coba aj di timpa ROM-nya
tapi sebelumnya wipe data + wipe cache partition dulu

Unknown said...

hehe.. ane takut butlup aja gan :D
hyperion ini punya bug apa aja gan? ane pake creed gak ada bug sama sekali, kecuali signal bar nya aja.. itupun bisa di tutupi pake systemUI..

Primamulia Teguh said...

backup dulu ROMnya gan ntar kalo butlup bisa di restore,
bugnya sih paling pas lagi booting agak lama di tulisan "Samsung Galaxy Young" aja
selebihnya enggak ada yang mengganggu hehehe ...

Unknown said...

hehe.. soalnya ane denger2 wifi bar nya bermasalah :D
thx yaa gan, atas info & sarannya :)

Unknown said...

numpang tanya gan ,setelah instal ini bisa tk pkai aplikasi simple 2 ext?,biar memori internalnya di kecil

Primamulia Teguh said...

bisa gan :)
tapi ane pakenya Link2SD :D

L-Chan said...

keren kak....
Skrang saya udh pnya byak custom room nya....kalu bosen tinggal ganti aja.... udh biasa mh jd gampang mrubah ubah custom room kpanpun saya mau...jhehehh

Gilang Rizky said...

thank's gan tutornya, tapi ane masih setia sama jelyblast ane heheheehhe

Unknown said...

cuma muncul awalnya aja.. samsung galaxy y gitu.. gmana min..?

Unknown said...

punya ane bootlop gan, adda tutor flash?

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